Monday, June 4, 2007

Soccer and Sweden

"Skandale!" was the headline emblazoned across Sunday's Danish newspapers, after the hotly controversial Danes vs. Swedes soccer game from the night before. We're not big on soccer, but after seeing all the excited fans congregating in Copenhagen, we decided we´d better go ahead and at least watch the second half on TV at our hostel. The Swedes led 3-1 going into the second half, but the Danes made a comeback and the game was tied 3-3. With only a few minutes left, the ref gave a Danish player a red card, infuriating a Danish fan who dashed onto the field and tried to punch the ref. Several of the Danish players came to the ref's rescue and the fan was escorted away. After much deliberation, the officials decided to end the game right there and give it to Sweden, 3-0. I think it will be a long time before that fan will dare show his face in public! Of course, they replayed it on TV over and over again, so we all got a good look at the culprit.

Audrey and I checked out of our hostel in Copenhagen Sunday and caught a bus to Malmo, Sweden. We hadn´t planned on coming here, but there´s a huge bridge that connects the two cities and it only takes about an hour by bus. Ahhh, the advantages of a flexible itinerary! I'm so glad we came! It's been like a vacation from our vacation, if that makes any sense. Our hostel is in a nicely-kept old house within walking distance of both the beach and downtown. It's a beautiful city full of parks and great pedestrian and bike paths. Sometimes it's nice to get out of the major cities for a few days and just relax - although we're not exactly kicking back. I think we've done even more walking here than in Copenhagen. You sure don't see many fat people here. Yesterday we even saw a giant Jazzercise-style aearobics class in the middle of a park. We're hoping to stay here one more night, but will have to find a different hostel as our current place is booked solid.