Audrey has been missing her guitar during our travels, so she was happy to find that our last hostel in Sweden had one available for use in the lounge. The night we returned from the opera, she sat down and started strumming and singing. A few people drifted in and began dishing compliments, begging for more (including one of the opera singers). Soon, an audience of about 10 had gathered to hear her impromptu concert (and all from memory, I might add - she didn't bring her music). Some wanted their picture with her and some of the opera singers asked if she wrote the songs herself. When she answered no, they insisted on co-writing a song. We thought they might actually know a thing or two about songwriting since they were professional opera singers, but no such luck. After about an hour of "composing" they had come up with one verse to a song titled "Yesterday." The lyrics were pretty pathetic, but to their credit, English isn't their first language. Audrey managed to put it to music and the South Africans insist it will be a hit, but I won't be holding my breath. Still, how many Americans can say they composed a song with South African opera singers in Sweden?
What a memory maker! That will be something you never forget and a great story to tell friends and family!
Or how about a Hawaian opera singer in alaska. Great story .Jeanette
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