While approaching the entrance to Rheinfels Castle today, I spotted a blonde woman who looked strangely familiar. "No, it can't be," I tried to convince myself as I walked by, but I took a peek over my shoulder just to be certain. Sure enough: she was none other than my cousin Ruth Ann from Seattle, Washington! Ruth works for Rick Steves and is helping guide a tour group. What are the odds of us being at a castle in a tiny village along th
e Rhine River at the same time?!?

Wow! That is amazing!
Bethany, are you sure that you were not implanted with a microchip while you were visiting Rick Steves' office in Seattle?
First running into Rick...and now Ruth!?
You can sure tell that you three girls are cousins!
Love, Mom
That is amazing!!! I'll bet Katie is jealous since your cousin has something to do with Rick Steves.
We are all getting ready for graduation here. Last minute details as I am sure you remember well. Katherine is helping Rachel Schriendl with some things today.
Keep blogging. I love following you all over Europe!
Judy Loucks
That's REALLY amazing!!! Ha, ha mrs loucks... thanks ;) How fun!!! Sounds like your family is meant for travel!!! I saw your mom last night at a graduation... can't wait for you to come home!!! k... catch you later!!! love ya lots!!!
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