ok... this is kind of a random post... with pictures of our hike in Austria. We stayed at a little bed and breakfast in Ramsau, Austria. We dicided that a nice little hike might be fun... Mark's friend Jordan told us about a lake that was up on this hill (mountain) that we should go look for.

One of these picture has an arrow that shows where are car was located... after we dropped over the other side of the mountain we found a lot of snow!!! and Bethany was wearing sandals!!!! We finally found a frozen over lake... and decided to take a break... build a little fire, and dry out our shoes and socks!!!! The scenery was amazing!!!! But the brush was a little much... Can you find Bethany in the bushes????? It was an exhausting but fun hike!!!! We left Ramsau, and spent the night in Melk... saw the abbey, and headed on to Vienna... where we are right at the moment... tomorrow we drive to Budapest.... I know... not on our original itinerary... but I'm excited!!!!! k... internet is running out... and it's a little spendy here... so I better go... keep checking!!!! After Budapest it's on to Cech Republic to see Prague... so stay tuned for more!!!!!
Austria is gorgeous! I can't believe you have been gone for a month and seen so much!! I love the pictures, post more:)
yay for a new post! I love all the pictures...soooo beautiful!
anonymous 2... I found Bethy in the bushes, and would love to see some snow! The pictures are fun to see. Keep them coming!
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