Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Countdown

It's hard to believe, but our plane will be taking off for Frankfurt exactly two weeks from today. I think I'm asked "So, are you getting excited?" at least five times a day, whether it be from co-workers, friends, acquaintances or random people I don't even know. (I don't mind, by the way. And yes, I am excited!) Yesterday, I called to make a doctor appointment and encountered a surprisingly chatty receptionist who kept asking me questions about the trip. Somewhere in the conversation I mentioned that we were renting a car, which resulted in quite a bit of geographical confusion on her part:
"Wait. So you're driving to Europe?"
Now that would be an exciting trip.


Amy said...

I think you should drive. Flying is over-rated.

Katie :) said...

YEAH!!!! Road trip to Europe!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha!!!! I like submarines!!!!!

Maggie said...

Just use the bridge, man!